
2010-03-05T11:59:03.000-08:00March 05 2010, at 11:59 AM PST, Luke Horricks said:

you're going to aruba?!! you slackass

2010-03-05T11:57:22.000-08:00March 05 2010, at 11:57 AM PST, Luke Horricks said:

i'll be there, i'll give matt a call, rhys said he'd be there

2010-03-05T11:52:45.000-08:00March 05 2010, at 11:52 AM PST, Mike Tan said:

Thanks Juri, Leena, Joey, and Emily! Can any of the other guys make it this weekend? Looks like we might need some extra guys.

2010-03-05T09:14:24.000-08:00March 05 2010, at 09:14 AM PST, Juri Totaro said:

I haven't be able to play this season but I'll be there on sunday. I'm so excited for my first game!!!

2010-03-04T23:31:27.000-08:00March 04 2010, at 11:31 PM PST, leena tirrul said:

I can play this weekend!! (Finally.)

2010-03-04T20:52:45.000-08:00March 04 2010, at 08:52 PM PST, Joey Lucky said:

I'll be there with bells on

2010-03-04T19:20:22.000-08:00March 04 2010, at 07:20 PM PST, Emily Cass said:

I'll be there on sunday =)

2010-03-04T17:23:49.000-08:00March 04 2010, at 05:23 PM PST, Mike Tan said:

Awesome guys! I'm super stoked on the upcoming season. I won't be able to make the game this weekend as I'll be in Aruba and it seems like a few others can't make it. Can you please let me know if you can make it this weekend so I can know if we need to recruit some more players.



2010-03-04T15:56:37.000-08:00March 04 2010, at 03:56 PM PST, a former user said:

I'll start up in May'ish once the face is ready to rock!

2010-03-04T15:40:06.000-08:00March 04 2010, at 03:40 PM PST, Rhys Harrop said:

I'll play, I know I havn't been able to make a lot of games this season but that is just due to my job which is ending this month. I'll be showing up a lot more in the future.